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The Shortcut of the Quick Dimension in the CAD

Date:2014-09-28 12:36:45View:

If we know the shortcut in the CAD, it will improve the efficiency of our drawing. What is the shortcut of the quick dimension in the CAD?
The shortcut of the quick dimension is QDIM. There are some shortcuts of dimension which is provided for your reference.
DLI, *DIMLINEAR     Linear Dimension
DAL, *DIMALIGNED   Align Dimension
DRA, *DIMRADIUS    Radius Dimension
DDI, *DIMDIAMETER  Diameter Dimension
DAN, *DIMANGULAR  Angular Dimension
DCE, *DIMCENTER    Center Dimension
DOR, *DIMORDINATE  Point Dimension
TOL, *TOLERANCE     Tolerance Dimension
LE, *QLEADER         Quick Lead
DBA, *DIMBASELINE   Baseline Dimension
DCO, *DIMCONTINUE  Continuous Dimension
D, *DIMSTYLE          Dimension Style
DED, *DIMEDIT         Edit the Dimension
DOV, *DIMOVERRIDE   Alter the system variable in the dimension
DAR,(Arc DimensionCAD2006)
DJO,(Joint DimensionCAD2006)
DAL DIMALIGNED   Aligned Linear Dimension
DAN DIMANGULAR   Angular Dimension
DBA DIMBASELINE   Baseline Dimension
DBC DBCONNECT    The connection linked to the external database
DCE DIMCENTER     Center mark
DCO DIMCONTINUE   Continuous Dimension
DDA DIMDISASSOCIATE  Unrelated Dimension
DDI DIMDIAMETER       Diameter Dimension